
Research & Benefits Evaluation
Infoway is committed to contributing to digital health research in Canada. To support health care organizations, clinicians, policy makers, and patients, families and caregivers, Infoway conducts research into the value of digital health solutions as well as clinicians' and Canadians' attitudes and perceptions.
Our research supports health care organizations and clinical communities by removing barriers to adoption. It also helps patient advocates by raising awareness of the benefits of digital health. Policy makers can also use our research to help address issues in health care and implement digital health projects and new technologies. Infoway also conducts research and landscape scans of emerging issues affecting the health care system. The research is designed to raise awareness of policy gaps and inform decision-making.
The Importance of Benefits Evaluation
Infoway works closely with partners and stakeholders to assess the value of digital health projects. These evaluations help us understand how our investments are impacting Canadians and the health care system and help us improve projects for the future.
Infoway’s Benefits Evaluation Framework, which has been implemented across Canada and internationally, demonstrates the relationship between the implementation of an effective digital health solution, the adoption of that solution and the resulting impacts. Visit our Evaluation Toolkit to learn more about our evaluation framework and resources to support its application in practice.
Benefits Evaluation Network Webinars
Infoway’s Benefits Evaluation Collaboration Network brings together jurisdictional leaders, evaluators and researchers to share best practices, results and other insights on digital health evaluation. View information on our upcoming and past webinars.
Sign up to be added to our member list or contact us.
- Infoway led digital health landscape surveys
- Pan-Canadian Evaluation Studies
- Other Research and Evidence
- Methodologies and Tools
- Benefits Evaluation Reports
- Publications
- Benefits Evaluation Network webinar
- Datasets
Infoway conducted a first of its kind pan-Canadian scan to establish a baseline of progress and opport...
One of the key components of Canada Health Infoway’s Shared Pan-Canadian Interoperability Roadmap focuses on enabling access to health information for all Canadians. However, inequalities in access due to social det...
The survey, conducted by Infoway and the Canadian Medical Association (CMA), aims to better understand the use of digital health and information technology among physicians in Canada.
View the detai...
The results deck highlights the latest quantitative survey of Canadian nurses’ access to and use of digital health in practice. It was a joint collaboration between the Canadian Nurses Association, Canadian Nursing ...
Infoway conducts the annual Canadian Digital Health Survey to gain insights into Canadians’ attitudes and perceptions about digital health. The 2023 Canadian Digital Health Survey heard from more than 10,000 Canadia...
Infoway conducts the annual Canadian Digital Health Survey to gain insights into Canadians’ attitudes and perceptions about digital health. The 2022 Canadian Digital Health Survey heard from more than 12,000 Canadia...
On behalf of Infoway and the Canadian Pharmacists Association, Environics Research conducted the fourth iteration of a survey of community-based pharmacists in 2022. The main objective of the survey is to provide an a...
Infoway has been tracking attitudes, expectations and experiences in digital health privacy in Canada every five years since 2007. Find out about Canadians’ perspectives on digital health and privacy in 2022.
...In partnership with Leger, Canada Health Infoway commissioned a web survey of more than 12,000 Canadians over the age of 16 during the summer of 2021 to update our understanding of the Canadian digital health landscap...
The survey, conducted by Infoway and the Canadian Medical Association (CMA), aims to better understand the use of digital health and information technology among physicians in Canada.
...In partnership with Canada Health Infoway, Leger conducted this web survey with 6,002 Canadians over the age of 16 to better understand the Canadian digital health landscape.
...The results deck highlights the latest quantitative survey of Canadian nurses’ access to and use of digital health in nursing practice. It was a joint collaboration between the Canadian Nurses Association, Canadian ...
Infoway has been tracking specific aspects of digital health awareness, utilization and perceptions among Canadians annually since 2010 to better understand the Canadian digital health landscape. This report provides ...
Physicians’ Use of Digital Health and Information Technologies in Practice
The 2018 Canadian Physician Survey (CPS) focused on the use of digital health technologies in practice by primary c...
The Connecting Patients for Better Health 2018 report provides the latest availability, use and citizen interest in accessing their health information online as well as digitally enabled health services (e-services). ...
This document provides the results of the three digital health related questions from the 2017 CMA Workforce Survey.
...The results deck highlights the latest quantitative survey of Canadian nurses’ access to and use of digital health in practice. It was a joint collaboration between the Canadian Nurses Association, Canadian Nursing ...
Learn about the results of the 2016 National Survey of Community-Based Pharmacists: Use of Digital Health Technology in Practice, including the positive impact that the use of digital health is having on Canadian phar...
This report discusses the results of a research project that consisted of an online Pan-Canadian survey and in-person focus groups to better understand adult and adolescent perceptions on rights of access to health in...
This report highlights the successful outcomes of North York General Hospital’s (NYGH) Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) toolkit. The report found the increasing participation of CPOE Toolkit users provides...
The Regional Cancer Care Program in Northwestern Ontario implemented a comprehensive Electronic Medical Record (EMR) to integrate 13 satellite clinics across the region and improve the quality of information and timel...
Results of an electronic survey of radiologists and referring physicians on the use and benefits of diagnostic imaging repositories.
...This survey explored Canadian community pharmacists' access to and usage of digital health tools. It was a joint collaboration between the Canadian Pharmacists Association and Canada Health Infoway.
...This survey is the first quantitative survey of Canadian nurses to explore their access to and use of digital health in nursing practice. It was a joint collaboration between the Canadian Nurses Association and Canada...
The Connected Health Information in Canada: A Benefits Evaluation Study – Technical Appendix complements Connected Health Information in Canada: A Benefits Evaluation Study, revealing the specif...
With investment from Infoway and its partners in electronic health records, clinicians are beginning to have better access to patient information across the health care system continuum. The Infoway pan-Canadian study...
The Emerging Benefits of EMR Use in Ambulatory Care in Canada is an Infoway commissioned pan-Canadian study to determine the current and emerging benefits of EMR use in ambulatory care. The study reveals that EMR use ...
The Emerging Benefits of EMR Use in Ambulatory Care in Canada is an Infoway commissioned pan-Canadian study to determine the current and emerging benefits of EMR us in ambulatory care. The study reveals that EMR use i...
The Emerging Benefits of EMR Use in Ambulatory Care in Canada is an Infoway commissioned pan-Canadian study to determine the current and emerging benefits of EMR us in ambulatory care. The study reveals that EMR use i...
Connecting Patients with Providers: A Pan-Canadian Study on Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) was commissioned to investigate the current state of RPM in Canada and help inform the potential for broader implementation a...
This pan-Canadian study looked at the current and emerging effects of implementing EMRs in community-based practices in Canada. An executive summary is also available.
...This summary of Infoway’s pan-Canadian electronic medical record study summarizes the current and emerging benefits of implementing EMRs in community-based practices in Canada.
...Canada Health Infoway commissioned Praxia Information Intelligence and Gartner to undertake this pan-Canadian study aimed at uncovering evidence of the use of Telehealth technology and the benefits achieved to date. (...
This pan-Canadian drug information system benefits evaluation study details the quality and productivity outcomes being realized through these systems.
PrescribeIT® is Infoway’s national e-prescribing service that enables prescribers to electronically transmit a prescription directly from an electronic medical record to the pharmacy management system of a patient�...
Canada Health Infoway is committed to ensuring every Canadian has access to their personal health information (PHI) as a key step in modernizing the healthcare system, achieving Connected Care, and building a learning...
Infoway has a long-standing commitment to research and evaluation, going beyond ensuring prudent use of funds and completion of initiatives, to investigate the impacts of digital health in Canada and capture the lesso...
Clinicians are increasingly able to access and exchange patient health information, but many don’t always have a summary of the care their patient received in a different practice setting. Learn more about how an in...
Canadians are increasingly interested in accessing their own personal health information (PHI) and medical information, but many have still yet to do so. Learn more about the impact of patient access to their own PHI ...
View partial results related to EMRs and interoperability from the 2022 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Physicians. The survey presents results from 10 countries (Australia, Canada...
Infoway conducts the annual Canadian Digital Health Survey to gain insights into Canadians’ attitudes and perceptions about digital health. This report highlights results from the 2022 Canadian Digital Health Survey...
Infoway commissioned Environics Research to interview 77 of Canada’s digital health leaders about the current state of interoperability in Canada. These clinicians, administrators, government stakeholders and vendor...
The 2022 Canadian Interoperability Landscape: A Survey of Clinicians provides insights from clinicians about the current state of interoperability across care settings in Canada. 818 clinicians participated, including...
The Canadian Interoperability Landscape Study aims to provide a detailed and updated understanding of the current landscape of interoperability in Canada. The insights gathered from the study will help Infoway and our...
This analysis aims to demonstrate the significant environmental and financial values associated with virtual delivery of care. The analysis provides estimates for carbon emissions avoidance, financial cost savings and...
We know there has been a dramatic shift to virtual care in Canada during the pandemic, enabling patients and physicians to connect safely at a distance to reduce the spread of COVID-19. This presentation highlights t...
We know there has been a dramatic shift to virtual care in Canada during the pandemic, enabling patients and physicians to connect safely at a distance to reduce the spread of COVID-19. This presentation highlights t...
Evidence of opportunities for interoperability to improve care is a compilation of evidence points from our surveys and studies that demonstrate issues that can be solved with interoperability. Some of these represe...
In partnership with Leger, Canada Health Infoway commissioned a web survey of more than 12,000 Canadians over the age of 16 during the summer of 2021 to update our understanding of the Canadian digital health landscap...
Using data from the 2020 National Digital Health Survey, this analysis looks at the digital health literacy of Canadians 16 and above using eHEALS and investigate how factors such as gender, age, and socioeconomic sta...
The Digital Health Equity Analysis aims to uncover inequalities in the access to digitally-enabled health services across gender categories and ethnic groups. It also examines how some socio-economic determinants of h...
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the landscape of health care delivery in Canada. Jurisdictions have promptly responded and have shifted health care delivery from in-person to virtual, enabling patients and physician...
This analysis describes the current virtual care landscape in Canada with a focus on the benefits achieved through investments in telehealth for rural and remote communities and projected benefits for the expansion of...
This study explores the relationship between engaged patient status and use of digitally-enabled health services, utilization of health care services and self-rated health status and mental health status using a natio...
Infoway has partnered with the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing to release a report that details the development of digital health competencies in nursing education. Findings highlight the need for addition...
Infoway has partnered with the CFPC to release Best Advice: Advanced and Meaningful Use of EMRs, highlighting the benefits of using EMRs to improve the delivery of care. The six-module guide outlines core...
This study found a telehomecare program for diabetic patients demonstrated and improvement in glycemic control compared to usual care. It also suggests a decrease in the number of medical visits, with additional bur...
Telehomecare Monitoring significantly decreases medical visits without compromising pregnancy outcomes, quality of care and patient satisfaction in women with gestational diabetes mellitus.
...This study identified significant potential for the electronic health record and identified recommendations to maximize value. This report is only available in French.
...This study identified significant potential for the electronic health record and identified recommendations to maximize value. This report is only available in French.
...Personal health records and other e-services provide $106 to $134 million a year in value to the health care system. Download our study to learn more about the value of patient health records.
...This literature review examines the primary effects of implementing telehomecare and remote patient monitoring programs for some of the most common diseases in efforts to reform digital health in Canada. Studies condu...
This study examines the results from a national survey of 4,109 Canadian adults, which sought to understand consumer use patterns for mobile apps and smart devices to monitor health and well-being. Funded by Canada He...
This report looks at the collective benefits of digital health investments in Canada using the cumulative benefits calculation, a macro-level indicator trended over a period of 10 years, developed by Canada Health Inf...
This presentation is an overview of the economic benefits model will help quantify benefits to the healthcare system, identifying future focus areas for Infoway. Infoway acknowledges the leadership and contribution of...
In 2016, the Centre de coordination de la télésanté du Centre intégré universitaire de santé et services sociaux de l’Estrie-Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke (CCT du CIUSSS de l’Estrie - CHUS) ...
In 2014, Canada Health Infoway undertook a national exploratory survey with R.A.Malatest & Associates Ltd., a third party research firm to conduct opinion research to investigate the value of Digital Health for ...
In December, 2014, Ontario Shores launched the ‘Healthcheck’ Patient Portal to provide patients and caregivers access to their health information, with the aim to promote patient engagement and partnerships in car...
This document summarizes the results of a research project that consisted of an environmental scan and literature review, a Pan-Canadian survey and focus groups, and a privacy legal framework review to better understa...
Infoway led this research study to examine virtual visits in British Columbia. These are the results of a patient survey and in-depth interviews with primary care physicians and describe the value for patients and the...
This document focuses on the findings of an environmental scan, including a literature review and key informant interviews, conducted to better understand how jurisdictions within Canada, other countries, organiza...
This report provides information and an overview of the current landscape and legal framework in Canada regarding access to personal health information as it relates to minors.
This document is available in En...
The purpose of the 2015 Ambulatory EMR Landscape Survey was to determine the current adoption and maturity of EMR use in ambulatory care in Canada. This is the only national measure of EMR use in ambulatory care in Ca...
This article published in JAMIA explores how key components of economic evaluations have been included in evaluations of health information systems (HIS), to determine the state of knowledge on value for money for HIS...
The full version of this white paper discusses the potential for physicians to use the data in their electronic medical records to help inform treatment decisions for their patients, as well as how this data can be ag...
When patients enter the health care system, it’s becoming more common to collect “know me” information, such as their likes and dislikes, worries and concerns, and living conditions. The opportunity to electroni...
The Impacts of Interoperability and Information Sharing across Settings evaluation study examined how interoperability within the Interior Health Authority region in British Columbia impacted clinicians access to comp...
This study examines the impact of providing patients with direct access to their lab results as soon as they are available. The findings include improved satisfaction, more timely access, no increase in anxiety, and f...
The North Eastern Ontario Network (NEON) represents a consortium of 22 hospitals and 3 independent health facilities serving the residents of north eastern Ontario with one Electronic Health Record (EHR). NEON launc...
The study examines a broad set operational process benefits of implementing electronic medical records (EMR) in a small sample of hospital-based outpatient ambulatory clinics. The results of this exploratory study dem...
The following resources on the value of e-booking are available to assist clinicians and practices in their planning, implementation and sustained use of e-booking or other consumer health solutions.
...The study, Computerization of primary care medical clinics in Quebec: Results from a survey on EMR adoption, use and impacts explores the results of a 2013 survey. This study was directed at two...
In this 2012 survey, Canadians shared their views about electronic health records and health system use of their personal health information.
...This study, carried out on behalf of Canada Health Infoway, examined the possible benefits of integrated electronic reporting of laboratory test results in physician practices that had alread...
A collection of 20 physician case studies from across Canada.
...This document describes key governance topics in context of evolving EHR needs, and needed structural to other considerations.
The Original Questionnaire of the 2024 National Survey of Canadian Physicians: Digital Health Technologies in Practice.
...The Original Questionnaire of the 2023 Canadian Survey of Nurses: Use of Digital Health Technology in Practice.
...The Original Questionnaire of the C...
The Original Questionnaire of the Canadian...
The Original Questionnaire of What Canadians Think 2022: Canadians’ perspectives about the privacy of personal health information in the context of digital health.
...This calculator can help you better understand the cumulative impact of virtual care in terms of cost, greenhouse gas emissions and time savings. Each field contains default values obtained from the
The Original Questionnaire of the 2022 National Survey of Canadian Community Pharmacists: Use of e-Prescribing and Digital Health Tools in Practice.
...The Original Questionnaire of the Canadian Digital Health Survey 2021.
...The Original Questionnaire of the 2021 National Survey of Canadian Physicians: Virtual and Digital Health Technologies in Practice.
...This document details the process of adapting and administering the customizable Infoway System and Use Survey for virtual care initiatives, which is intended to be administered for benefits evaluation soon after a pr...
Download Infoway’s standard system and use survey template for virtual care initiatives, which assesses user adoption, information and system quality and the level of satisfaction amongst clinicians.
...Download Infoway’s standard system and use survey template for virtual care initiatives, which assesses user adoption, information and system quality and the level of satisfaction amongst citizens.
...Infoway has tracked adoption of the interoperable electronic health record (iEHR) for more than a decade. Adoption has spread from one jurisdiction in 2006 to all provinces and territories currently providing their he...
This document describes the methodology applied to calculate the economic impact and potential of digital health solutions on the Canadian health care system as it relates to Canada Health Infoway. Infoway acknowledge...
The BE Plan - Structured Template serves as a resource for users to prepare a comprehensive benefits evaluation plan for any information and communication technology (ICT) for health initiative or project.
...This Healthcare Quarterly article describes a benefits evaluation framework being implemented across Canada. The framework includes three quality dimensions (system, information and service), two system use dimensions...
This consumer health solutions benefits evaluation plan template provides the basis for planning and implementing benefits evaluation for consumer oriented digital health solutions.
...This sample system and use survey for e-Views outlines a question set about the adoption, use, system quality and value to permit patients and authorized caregivers to securely view electronic health information.
...This document details the process of adapting and administering the customizable Infoway System and Use Assessment Survey which is intended to be administered soon after a project has gone live for the purpose of bene...
This report is intended to help jurisdictions and organizations plan and execute benefits evaluation projects in several digital health domain areas such as EHR, EMR, telehealth and telehomecare among others by provid...
The National Nursing Quality Report – Canadian (NNQR-C) explores a one-year pilot project that was deployed in nine health care sites in Manitoba, Ontario, and New Brunswick . The project explored collection of a mi...
The primary objective of this review was to map and characterize the current evidence on e-prescribing and medication safety in community settings. A secondary objective was to identify outcomes related to prescriber ...
This rapid scoping review highlights initial promising results with e-prescribing and opioid therapy management. A key aspect for consideration is how e-prescribing can be used and related outcomes based on whether op...
This systematic review summarizes the current evidence on the effect of electronic prescriptions on adherence to prescribed medications when compared to paper-based prescriptions.
...The 2022 PrescribeIT® System and Use Survey, developed by Canada Health Infoway (Infoway) and administered by Leger, aims to assess the use, experiences and perceptions around various aspects of Prescribe...
The launch of MySaskHealthRecord has ushered in a new beginning for the citizens of Saskatchewan. The surveys have shown how powerful this tool has been for citizens, providers, and the overall healthcare system in th...
Read the background summary of the Evaluation of the Multi-Jurisdictional Telepathology Project to learn more about the different models used to connect pathology services across Canada, including their impact and ch...
The Multi-Jurisdictional Telepathology (MJT) Project involves implementation of a software solution and technical infrastructure to support secondary consultation workflows between pathologists across provinces. T...
An executive report on the benefit evaluation of implementation and use of the immunization registry module of Panorama in the province of Quebec. The report describes perceived facilitators and barriers to implementa...
This small scale evaluation of Telehomecare for step-down care post-NICU discharge in New Brunswick provides important evidence and lessons for future telehomecare investments for new parents.
...This system and use assessment survey is designed to assess user adoption, use, and information and system quality of the health information system implemented, as well as, the level of satisfaction amongst end-users....
The Canada Health Infoway model for benefits evaluation demonstrates the broad strokes of defining and identifying benefits. This is an example of the evaluation methodology used in New Brunswick's iEHR / Lab scoping ...
While most Canadians would prefer to die at home, almost 2/3 of palliative care patients will die in hospital. This study of TelePalliative projects in the Champlain and Erie St. Clair LHINs demonstrated that patients...
Traditional wound care is costly to the system (over $1 billion in Ontario) and time consuming for patients. This study of a TeleWound project conducted in the Central Eastern LHIN found an 89% patient satisfaction ra...
This report conducts an in depth analysis of phase II in the Interior Health Cardiac Home Monitoring Project. This Infoway funded project evaluates the benefits of implementing remote patient monitoring services for p...
This report analyzes the primary effects and lessons learned of implementing the Community Paramedicine Remote Patient Monitoring (CPRPM) Program for patients living with various chronic conditions. This home-based mo...
This report assesses the effectiveness of Eastern Health’s Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) program for patients living with a chronic disease. Using a quasi- experimental approach, this study evaluates patients on t...
This report examines Island Health’s Home Health Monitoring (HHM) program to ensure a self-sustaining method of care for patients living with heart failure (HF) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Usin...
This report explores the value of PEI’s Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) program in providing digital health solutions to patients living with congestive heart failure (CHF) or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (...
This handbook presents the science and practice of eHealth evaluation based on empirical evidence gathered over many years within the health informatics discipline.
...View articles on JMIR by Infoway authors and partners on the Canada Health Infoway Benefits Evaluation e-Collection.
...This paper discusses the demonstrated value from citizen access to their health information during the pilot phase of Saskatchewan’s Citizen Health Information Portal (CHIP). Citizens expressed a positive experience...
This research study was designed to explore the views of Saskatchewan citizens who took part in the eHealth Saskatchewan Citizen Health Information Portal (CHIP) Pilot project. The study explored the portal use of cit...
This report explores the benefits realized from the eHealth Saskatchewan Citizen Health Information Portal (CHIP) Pilot project. CHIP, a citizen-centric personal health record (PHR), allows individual participants to ...
This report summarizes the benefits realized and lessons learned from the implementation of an ambulatory (outpatient) electronic patient record (aEPR) with integration to internal and external key clinical systems ac...
In October 2014, the Ontario Telemedicine Network launched the expansion of their telehomecare project to 3500 patients with chronic disease throughout Ontario. This benefits evaluation report exhibits the impact of...
In December 2014, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital implemented a consumer health portal, connect2care, that allows patients and families to view components of their clinical health record, book appointme...
In March 2015, Barrie and Community Family Health Team (BCFHT) undertook a demonstration project which included the launch of myhealthlinked patient portal. The objective of this Benefits Evaluation report ...
Health Quality Innovation Collaboration (HQIC) is a non-for-profit organization founded in Ontario by a group of primary care physicians. In January 2014, HQIC launched a patient portal, miDash, that can work across m...
The Group Health Centre (GHC) is Ontario's largest and longest established alternatively funded healthcare organization, offering primary and specialist ambulatory care. In September 2014, GHC implemented myCARE, a pa...
The Children’s Hospital for Eastern Ontario (CHEO) servicing Eastern Ontario, Western Quebec, Nunavut and parts of Northern Ontario implemented an integrated Electronic Health Record (EHR) including MyChart, a secur...
The Children’s Hospital for Eastern Ontario (CHEO) is a pediatric health and research center serving the national Capital region including Eastern Ontario, Western Quebec, as well as Nunavut and parts of Northern On...
This benefits evaluation report evaluates Cancer Care Ontario’s Diagnostic Assessment Program-Electronic Pathway Solution (DAP-EPS). It focuses on usability and user feedback on the application, adoption of the tool...
This report provides an overview of the Health PEI Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) project and shares critical success factors of implementation as well as lessons learned.
...A benefits evaluation report examining the benefits of mobile devices and mobile application implementation and use in a hospital setting. The interviews and surveys were conducted at The Ottawa Hospital.
...The report for the Ontario Telemedicine Network’s Telehomecare initiative shows that telehomecare can be a model of care that connects patients to their healthcare teams in real time, which can shift the health syst...
This report provides the summary of findings from three phases of the Benefits Evaluation of the Quality of Life tool integration into Cancer Surgery Alberta (CSA). The report focuses on the evaluation of access,use, ...
This report are the lessons learned from a Health System Use STI Project which examined how the sexually transmitted infections (STI) decision support tool was being used and to describe the perceived and demonstrat...
This is an executive summary of a benefits evaluation report for the Health System Use STI Project examines how the sexually transmitted infections (STI) decision support tool was being used and to describe the percei...
This report is a follow-up to the original report from 2011. Prince Edward Island’s Clinical Information System (CIS) connects the province’s hospitals in a real-time exchange of clinically relevant patient info...
In 2006, Cancer Care Ontario (CCO) began to implement a systemic therapy (chemotherapy) computerized physician order entry (CPOE) for five cancer service institutions across Ontario. Southlake Regional Health Centre...
This benefits evaluation report for the Health System Use STI Project examines how the sexually transmitted infections (STI) decision support tool was being used and to describe the perceived and demonstrated shor...
Recent studies indicate the increasing trend of smart phone and tablet use by healthcare providers (HCPs) as a tool to augment practice. It is a natural progression for a regional electronic health record (EHR) to be ...
The Group Health Centre (GHC) is multi-specialty, multi-disciplinary ambulatory care facility with diagnostic services located in northern Ontario. GHC’s implementation of a new EMR solution sought to enable incre...
This report discusses the results of the Ontario Multi-Hospital Ambulatory Care Electronic Medical Record project. The report found improved outcomes such as a reduction in transcription costs and the reduction of cli...
Group Health Centre (GHC) launched a project to evaluate the benefits resulting from the implementation of myCARE patient portal. This report details the benefits focus areas selected, activities and tasks planned to ...
This benefits evaluation report reviews Ontario’s Drug Profile Viewer (DPV) System, which was initially implemented in Emergency Departments (EDs) across Ontario. Authorized End Users were asked a series of question...
This report investigates and evaluates whether a centralized provincial medication database, the Ontario Drug Profile Viewer (DPV), adds unique value (quality and efficiency) to a structured best possible medication h...
This benefits evaluation report discusses the implementation of patient order sets at long-term care sites in the Mississauga Halton LHIN between November 2012 and March 2014. The report evaluates the impact of order ...
The Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN) Telehomecare Patient Experience Survey was disseminated across eight Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) and more than 180 patients aged 75 to 84 years of age responded. ...
The Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN) Telehomecare Patient Experience Survey was disseminated across eight Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) and more than 180 patients aged 75 to 84 years of age responded...
The Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Odette Ambulatory Electronic Medical Records (aEMR) Project was conducted to extend Sunnybrook’s own web-based clinician workflow platform, SunnyCare, to all clinicians in the O...
The Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC), Canada Health Infoway, four provinces and clinical leaders collaborated to develop pan-Canadian data collection tools and clinical indicators for breast, colorectal, thy...
This report summarizes the findings from the benefits evaluation of eReferral program conducted in Manitoba. Manitoba eHealth will use the findings from this evaluation to identify opportunities for improvement and to...
This document provides a condensed and visual representation of the University of British Columbia report on the WelTel mHealth Program . The report was funded by Infoway.
...The Multi-Jurisdictional Telepathology Project represents the first phase in the development of a Pan-Canadian Digital Pathology Network. As of 2014, Ontario successfully realized the implementation of a telepathology...
Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs (CRPs) are medically-supervised, multi-disciplinary secondary prevention programs, effective at improving lifestyle behaviours and reducing risk factors in patients with cardiovascular ...
In 2013, Nova Scotia began the implementation of a province-wide clinical information system, the Secure Health Access Record (SHARE), which pulls together patient information from across Nova Scotia. The SHARE Viewer...
Resource Matching and Referral (RM&R) is a shared electronic tool that enables the transmission of electronic referrals between Health Service Providers in the Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network (TC ...
The Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness undertook a two-year demonstration project to introduce a Personal Health Record (PHR) to the provincial health care system by implementing the RelayHealth PHR solutio...
The Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) Pharmacy Network is an on-line record of prescription drugs filled within the province. It is one of the key components of the provincial electronic health record (EHR). The purpose ...
Prescription drug misuse is acknowledged as an escalating problem in jurisdictions across Canada, including Newfoundland and Labrador. The extent is not clearly understood in the absence of a formal prescription drug ...
Canada Health Infoway (Infoway) invested in a demonstration project on e-booking that was evaluated by a research team from HEC Montreal and Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. The report found that e-...
This report looks at the TeleOphthalmology project, led by the Inter Tribal Health Authority (ITHA) in collaboration with the Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA). The project, was jointly funded by Canada Health ...
This report looks at the TeleOphthalmology project, led by the Inter Tribal Health Authority (ITHA) in collaboration with the Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA). The project, was jointly funded by Canada Health ...
This project was designed to test the implementation of tools and processes designed to further the transformation of data from primary care EMRs into usable information for the management and surveillance of chronic ...
This study evaluates the prevalence of clarification calls at four pharmacies in St. John’s, Newfoundland. In addition, it set out to determine the reasons for the clarification calls, the time taken to make the c...
Using data from the 2023 Digital Health Equity Analysis conducted by Canada Health Infoway, we examine the current landscape of access to electronic personal health information across several population groups in Cana...
Our study provides empirical evidence on the impact of individual health utilization factors on the use of eMH among Canadians during the COVID-19 pandemic. Given the opportunities and promise of eMH services in incre...
Canadian physicians’ perceptions on their use of and experience with virtual care offer important insights into finding the right balance in virtual care. Using data from the 2021 National Survey of Canadian Physici...
Proponents of virtual care have long touted its potential to improve access to and quality of care, and to produce cost and time savings for patients. More recently, the potential environmental benefits of virtual car...
This study emphasizes the critical importance of nursing designation, geographic location, and type of patient record–keeping system in predicting virtual care integration in nursing practice. The findings related t...
This study found that compared to video visits and secure messaging, the demand for and use of telephone visits were more prevalent among older adults during the pandemic. The gaps between the demand for and use of vi...
The COVID-19 pandemic changed Canadian health care almost overnight. The need to contain the virus’ spread — while maintaining access to health services — prompted the swift deployment of virtual care tools and ...
Digital health has massive potential in health care but has been slow to evolve in comparison to other information-intensive industries, which have more readily taken advantage of new technology. One of the key barrie...
This scoping review published in Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), explores the concept of patient empowerment within the context of citizen access to their health information through an online personal hea...
This JMIR article examines the use, utility and impact on engagement in care of a client/family health portal. Clients at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital were provided access to their electronic health ...
This BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making journal article summarizes the results of six provincial and territorial surveys, conducted between 2006 and 2014, about interoperable electronic health records (iEHRs)...
This BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making journal article examines the adoption of interoperable electronic health records (EHRs) across Canada through March 2015. Nearly 250,000 clinician and administrative us...
Practice-based population health (PBPH) management is the proactive management of patients by their primary care clinical team. The ability of clinics to engage in PBPH and the means by which they incorporate it in a ...
This article published in Health Affairs broadly examines the potential health and financial benefits of health information technology (HIT). It compares health care with the use of IT in other industries and estimate...
The Mental Health Engagement Network (MHEN) project developed, delivered, and evaluated an interactive Web-based personal health record, the Lawson SMART Record (LSR), to assist mental health clients in managing their...
This study examined the availability of patient information to specialists during patient visits in ambulatory settings. Findings were that information gaps are common in ambulatory care encounters, and do have conseq...
Research was conducted on the adoption, use and impact of e-booking in private medical practices over a two year period. Canada Health Infoway invested in this project. The article is available in English only as orig...
Last month, we published the results from the 2024 National Survey of Canadian Physicians, which generated insights on the integration of digital health and information technologies across clinical settings in Canada....
Join us for a webinar to learn more about frontline nursing experience with digital health and information technologies in practice and the upcoming trends and observed impacts of these technologies from a health info...
Join us for the first session in our 2023 Canadian Digital Health Survey Webinar Series, as we explore the latest insights about patient access to their health information.
Gord Smith, Manager of Citizen Servi...
Wednesday, Oct. 4 | 1-2 p.m. ET
In this bilingual* webinar, the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) will join us to discuss the results from the 2022 Commonwealth Fund Survey an...
12 - 1 p.m. ET
Infoway conducts the annual Canadian Digital Health Survey to gain insights into Canadians’ attitudes and perceptions about digital health. It is the cornerstone of our resear...
Infoway is working with our partners to advance pan-Canadian interoperability — the ability of data to flow seamlessly across the health care continuum, ensuring that different systems can consistently and securely ...
Join Infoway and the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) for a webinar November 18 at 1 p.m. ET to learn more about two recent studies — Infoway's Canadian Digital Health Survey 2021 and CCSA's C...
How are Canadians seeking care during the pandemic? How do we feel about these new health care interactions and what can they tell us about the future of care?
In April 2020, shortly after the onset of the pan...
Infoway, the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies (CADTH), and Queen's University for a webinar to learn about two recent projects in virtual care evaluation:
...This Benefits Evaluation (BE) Collaboration Network webinar was the second in a two-part series featuring CIHR’s eHealth Innovations Partnership Program (eHIPP) in the areas of youth mental health, home health monit...
This Benefits Evaluation (BE) Collaboration Network webinar was the first in a two-part series featuring CIHR’s eHealth Innovations Partnership Program (eHIPP) in the areas of youth mental health, home health monito...
Join Dr. Meredith Makeham, Chief Medical Adviser at the Australian Digital Health Agency as she presents findings from the recently published Evidence and Evaluation Whitepaper from the Global Digit...
Interoperable electronic health record (iEHR) adoption has reached a critical mass of users with iEHRs available in all provinces and territories. Clinicians and other health care professionals in hospital and communi...
The National Survey of Canadian Nurses is a series of surveys commissioned by Canada Health Infoway (Infoway) and conducted in partnership with the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) and the Canadian Nursing Informatic...
The Canadian Digital Health Survey is a series of surveys conducted annually commissioned by Canada Health Infoway (Infoway) through a third-party vendor. These annually conducted surveys are based on a variety of spe...
The Canadian Digital Health Survey is a series of surveys conducted annually commissioned by Canada Health Infoway (Infoway) through a third-party vendor. These annually conducted surveys are based on a variety of spe...
The Dataverse Network is an open-source application for publishing, referencing, extracting and analyzing research data.
...The 2017 National Survey of Canadian Nurses is a quantitative survey of Canadian nurses to explore their access to and usage of digital health in nursing practice. It was collected in collaboration with the Canadian N...
The 2016 National Survey of Community-Based Pharmacists: Use of Digital Health Technology in Practice, revealed the positive impact that the use of digital health is having on Canadian pharmacists’ changing practice...