Understanding access to electronic personal health information across diverse population groups in Canada

Digital Health Equity Dashboard

What is the Digital Health Equity Dashboard?
As the uptake and availability of digital health technologies continues to increase across Canada, it is important to consider these solutions through an equity lens. Assessing access to electronic personal health information will help illuminate barriers impacting equitable access to digital health technologies across population groups.

This dashboard aims to present and track how access to electronic personal health information varies across equity stratifiers. Using filters, it allows the differences between population groups to be compared while considering the dynamics of intersectionality.

When is the dashboard updated?
This dashboard is updated on an annual basis to reflect up-to-date trends in Canadian digital health equity. Specifically, Infoway tracks equitable access to electronic personal health information through the Canadian Digital Health Survey.

How to use it?

  • The navigation pane on the left shows all stratifiers included in this dashboard.
  • Click on each stratifier to see how access to electronic personal health information (PHI) varies across factors.
  • Blue bars represent the percentage of people with access, and red sections show differences from the reference group.
  • Use the filters at the top to refine the data by year, Province/Territory, and other categories.
  • Check the description below the chart for guidance on interpreting the results and comparisons.


This dashboard uses data collected from the 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 Canadian Digital Health Surveys. It presents a current state of access to personal health information online across different population groups. For detailed notes on the methodology behind the dashboard visualizations, please click here.

For detailed notes on the methodology behind the individual metrics, please click here

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