Understanding the use of digital health and information technologies by Canadian physicians in practice

About the Survey

The 2024 National Survey of Canadian Physicians, led in partnership by Canada Health Infoway (CHI) and Canadian Medical Association (CMA), and conducted by Leger, aims to explore and track physicians’ perspectives on the use and impact of digital health information technologies in practice.

Please click here to access the full survey results report.

Suggested citation: Canada Health Infoway (2024). Infoway Insights: 2024 National Survey of Canadian Physicians. https://insights.infoway-inforoute.ca/2024-national-physician-survey

Survey Topics

The overall objective of this study is to explore physicians’ perspectives on their use and impact of digital health information technologies in practice. The survey is also aimed at understanding and identifying trends that will build on findings from previous 2021 survey results.

Data Tables

Access banner tables with breakdowns for key demographic and health utilization attributes for each question on this and previous years’ surveys.

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