2024 Data Tables

This data is available in an accessible format on our detailed visualizations. If data is not available for a question you’re interested in, please contact us

Questions Download Excel
Q1: Are you ...? Download
Q2: Do you provide direct patient care? Download
Q3: Select the category that best describes the MAIN setting where you work (where you spend the most time with patients). Download
Q4: Gender Download
Q5: Age Download
Q6: How would you describe yourself? Download
Q7: In which Canadian jurisdiction do you primarily practise? Download
Q8: In which other Canadian jurisdiction(s) do you practise? Download
Q7/Q8: In which Canadian jurisdiction(s) do you practise? Total Mentions Download
Q9: Which of the following best describes the community served by your MAIN area of practice? Download
Q10sum: Please estimate what proportion of your patient visits are currently delivered through the following means. (Summary Mean) Download
Q11: Do you use electronic medical records (EMR) or electronic health records (EHR) to enter and retrieve clinical patient notes in the care of your patients? Download
Q12: Which of the following EMR/EHR systems are you using to enter, view or retrieve patient information in your MAIN practice setting? Download
Q13: How long have you been using electronic record or clinical information systems to enter orders and documentation on patient encounters in your MAIN practice setting? Download
Q14: When documenting patient information in your MAIN practice setting, how many electronic and/or paper systems do you typically use for a patient encounter? Download
Q15: Please indicate which of the following electronic tools and functionalities you use in your MAIN practice setting to support patient care. Download
Q16: Please indicate which of the following aspects of clinical care communication between providers occurs electronically directly from/to your practice system? (not via fax/e-fax) Download
Q17: In the past 12 months, for approximately what proportion of patients to whom you provided care did you need to access health information that was collected outside of your practice setting? Download
Q18: In the past 12 months, approximately what proportion of referrals in your main practice setting have been managed electronically? Download
Q19: Minutes - How much more time do you typically spend during a workday (beyond what you feel should be spent) looking for patient information that you need to provide care for your patients (contacting health care providers outside of your organization for diagnostic results, medication information, clinical notes, etc.)? Download
Q19: How much more time do you typically spend during a workday (beyond what you feel should be spent) looking for patient information that you need to provide care for your patients (contacting health care providers outside of your organization for diagnostic results, medication information, clinical notes, etc.)? Download
Q20: What barriers and challenges currently exist that prevent you from accessing, using or getting full value from your digital health technologies (including electronic health record/clinical information systems) in your MAIN practice setting? Download
Q21: Using your own definition of "burnout", please select one of the following statements below: Download
Q22: Minutes - How much time do you spend on the electronic medical record (EMR) at home or after hours after a typical workday? Download
Q22: How much time do you spend on the electronic medical record (EMR) at home or after hours after a typical workday? Download
Q23: Please complete the following statement Download
Q24_R1: Overall patient experience - How frequently do you collect feedback from your patients on the following? Download
Q24_R2: Preference for care modality (in-person, video, telephone, etc.) - How frequently do you collect feedback from your patients on the following? Download
Q24_R3: Patient education and health literacy (patient portal feedback forms, BRIEF Health Literacy Screening Tool, etc.) - How frequently do you collect feedback from your patients on the following? Download
Q24sum: How frequently do you collect feedback from your patients on the following? (Summary - Always/often) Download
Q25: In general, how concerned are you with the privacy and security of your patient data? Download
Q26_R1: Policies and guidelines from governments or clinical bodies for the integration of AI technologies in practice - To what extent do you perceive the following as priorities to support the use of AI in physician practice? Download
Q26_R2: Appropriate regulatory and accreditation system regarding the use of AI-based technologies, solutions and devices - To what extent do you perceive the following as priorities to support the use of AI in physician practice? Download
Q26_R3: Digital transformation of the Canadian health care system (e.g., standardized, structured data) to allow for the use of AI in practice - To what extent do you perceive the following as priorities to support the use of AI in physician practice? Download
Q26_R4: Appropriate training and education for the physician workforce around the use of AI in practice - To what extent do you perceive the following as priorities to support the use of AI in physician practice? Download
Q26_R5: Physician leadership to champion and guide the appropriate use of AI in healthcare - To what extent do you perceive the following as priorities to support the use of AI in physician practice? Download
Q26_R6: Organizational readiness (i.e., practical processes, policies) to effectively incorporate AI into practice - To what extent do you perceive the following as priorities to support the use of AI in physician practice? Download
Q26sum1: To what extent do you perceive the following as priorities to support the use of AI in physician practice? (Summary - High priority) Download
Q26sum2: To what extent do you perceive the following as priorities to support the use of AI in physician practice? (Summary - Low priority) Download