2023 Canadian Survey of Nurses
2023 Data Tables
Survey Topics
Data Tables
This data is available in an accessible format on our detailed visualizations. If data is not available for a question you’re interested in, please contact us.
Questions | Download Excel |
Q1: What is your PRIMARY domain(s) of nursing practice? | Download |
Q2: Which of these titles best describes your current nursing designation? | Download |
Q3: How many years have you been a practicing nurse? | Download |
Q4: How old are you? | Download |
Q5: Do you identify as? | Download |
Q6: Employment Status: Are you currently? | Download |
Q6b: What is your current employment status? | Download |
Q7: In which province/territory do you primarily practice? | Download |
Q8: The following is a list of healthcare settings. Check the category which best describes the PRIMARY setting where you work (where you spend the most time with patients). | Download |
Q8b: In which area of the hospital setting do you primarily practice? | Download |
Q9: On average, how many hours do you work per week in your PRIMARY practice setting? | Download |
Q10: Which of the following best describes the community served by your PRIMARY area of practice? | Download |
Q11: Do you currently provide direct care to patients? | Download |
Q12: Thinking about the PRIMARY care setting of your nursing practice, , which of these describes the patient record keeping system that you use? | Download |
Q13 Summary: Please indicate which of the following electronic tools/ functionalities you use in your PRIMARY care setting, to support patient care. (Summary - I currently use this in my setting) | Download |
Q13r1: Electronic reminders for recommended patient care following clinical practice guidelines (e.g. complete falls risk assessment). | Download |
Q13r2: Electronic ordering/order entry of laboratory tests (e.g. CPOE). | Download |
Q13r3: Electronic access to provincial/territorial patient electronic health record systems (e.g. encounters, drug, laboratory, diagnostic images, discharge summaries). | Download |
Q13r4: Electronic notification of hospital visit (e.g. emergency, admission, discharge, death). | Download |
Q13r5: Electronic clinical decision support tool (e.g., alerts for drug interactions/ allergies, BMI calculator). | Download |
Q13r6: Electronic list of all medications taken by an individual patient (including those prescribed outside my organization). | Download |
Q13r7: Electronic access to all lab results for a patient (including those ordered outside my organization). | Download |
Q13r8: Electronic access to all diagnostic imaging for a patient (including those ordered outside my organization). | Download |
Q13r9: Electronic list of all discharge summaries and discharge instructions for a patient (including from outside my organization). | Download |
Q13r10: Electronic medication reconciliation (includes Best Possible Medication History). | Download |
Q13r11: Electronic transfer of patients’ health information securely to other health professionals. | Download |
Q13r12: Electronic communication to other health professionals within my organization (e.g. secure e-mail or messaging). | Download |
Q13r13: Electronic communication to other health professionals outside my organization (e.g. secure e-mail or messaging). | Download |
Q13r14: Electronic flow sheet or checklist for management of patients with chronic disease (e.g. clinical care pathway). | Download |
Q13r15: Electronic patient care plans/ planning care digitally. | Download |
Q13r16: Automated triaging and patient-flow tools. | Download |
Q13r17: Electronic access to secure email / messaging communication directly with patients (i.e. via patient facing portals). | Download |
Q13r18: Electronic access to patient information related to allergies and intolerances. | Download |
Q13r19: Electronic access to patient information related to immunizations. | Download |
Q13r20: Electronic access to patient information related to past history of illness / medical problems. | Download |
Q13r21: Electronic access to patient information related to problems list / active medical problems. | Download |
Q13r22: Electronic access to patient information related to procedures / surgical care. | Download |
Q14: Please indicate which of the following aspects of clinical care communication and collaboration with health care providers OUTSIDE of your setting occurs electronically directly from/to your practice system? (not via fax). | Download |
Q14b: Which of the following care settings can you securely transfer electronic patient health information to? | Download |
Q15: How confident are you that you have access to all the health information you need about a patient to plan for and provide the best care? | Download |
Q16: In the past 12 months, for approximately what proportion of patients to whom you provided care did you need to access health information that was collected outside of your practice setting? | Download |
Q17: Minutes - How much more time (beyond what you feel should be spent) do you typically spend during your shift looking for patient information that you need to provide care for your patients (i.e., contacting healthcare providers outside of your organization for diagnostic results, medication information, clinical notes)? | Download |
Q18: How satisfied are you with time spent on non-patient-facing tasks (i.e., data entry, clinical notes, searching for patient information, coordinating referrals)? | Download |
Q19: How long have you been using electronic record /clinical information systems to enter orders and documentation on patient encounters in your PRIMARY care setting? | Download |
Q20 Summary: Efforts are underway to improve interoperability (i.e. your ability to electronically access and/or seamlessly exchange structured/standardized patient information with clinicians/ health care providers OUTSIDE your practice setting/organization). Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements. (Summary - Agree) | Download |
Q20r1: Improve the quality of patient care I provide. | Download |
Q20r2: Improve my access to complete patient information. | Download |
Q20r3: Enhance productivity of my practice. | Download |
Q20r4: Reduce medication errors. | Download |
Q20r5: Enable ordering of fewer tests (due to better availability of lab results). | Download |
Q20r6: Improve clinical decisions. | Download |
Q20r7: Reduce administrative workload. | Download |
Q20r8: Reduce redundant entry of clinical information. | Download |
Q20r9: Improve quality of nursing documentation. | Download |
Q20r10: Enhance communication with other health care providers outside of my organization. | Download |
Q20r11: Enable better coordination of patient care with other providers. | Download |
Q21: In your role, electronic record /clinical information systems are used to support? | Download |
Q22: In your current role, how essential is it for you to have access to a mobile device to communicate and collaborate with team members, make evidence-informed clinical decisions, or document direct patient care? (e.g., smartphone, secure Wi-Fi enabled tablet, mobile computer cart or Workstation Wheels). | Download |
Q24: How essential is it for you to have access to a speech recognition software to provide and document direct patient information? | Download |
Q25: How satisfied are you with the quality of training you received to support your use of digital health technologies (including electronic health record/ clinical information systems) in your PRIMARY care setting? | Download |
Q26: How satisfied are you with your access to ongoing learning and training to advance your use of digital health technologies (including electronic health record/ clinical information systems) in your PRIMARY care setting? | Download |
Q27 Summary: How much have you personally had input on aspects of the design, implementation, and/or ongoing use of digital health technologies (including electronic health record/ clinical information systems) in your PRIMARY care setting? (Summary - A great deal / some) | Download |
Q27r1: Overall system (re)design. | Download |
Q27r2: Clinical content requirements of the system. | Download |
Q27r3: Functionality of the system to improve workflow. | Download |
Q27r4: Usability of the system. | Download |
Q27r5: Changes to optimize the system(s) to get the most from clinician use. | Download |
Q27r6: (Re) Design and use of clinical order sets applicable to your practice. | Download |
Q27r7: Workflow redesign leveraging systems to support continuous improvement. | Download |
Q27r8: Reporting requirements of the system. | Download |
Q27r9: Electronic reports about patient care. | Download |
Q27r10: Access to dashboards to support monitoring and evaluation of clinical outcomes. | Download |
Q28: In your practice, are you currently providing patient care through any of the following virtual care means? | Download |
Q29 Summary: As you have provided care through virtual means, to what degree do you agree or disagree with the following statements. (Summary - Agree) | Download |
Q29r1: I am confident that I have the knowledge and skills to use virtual care technologies in my nursing practice. | Download |
Q29r2: Virtual care enables me to provide quality care for my patients. | Download |
Q29r3: Virtual care enables me to provide efficient care for my patients, including my ability to document care planning and enter orders. | Download |
Q29r4: It has been easy to integrate virtual care into my practice workflow. | Download |
Q29r5: Virtual care improves my patients’ access to care. | Download |
Q30: What barriers and challenges currently exist to prevent you from accessing, using or getting full value from your digital health technologies (including electronic health record/ clinical information systems) in your PRIMARY patient care/practice setting? | Download |
Q31: Which of the following EMR/EHR systems are you using to enter, view or retrieve patient information in your PRIMARY care setting? | Download |
Q32: Do you prescribe medications? | Download |
Q33 Summary: On average, how many prescriptions do you generate daily? (Summary Mean) | Download |
Q33r1: # New | Download |
Q33r2: # Renewals | Download |
Q34: In what clinical setting do you prescribe medications? | Download |
Q35 Summary: Thinking about your current practice, what percentage of the NEW prescriptions you generate daily are? (Summary Mean) | Download |
Q36 Summary: Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following statements regarding generating and managing prescriptions in your practice. (Summary - Satisfied) | Download |
Q36r1: Ability to electronically create and transmit a prescription to a patient’s pharmacy of choice. | Download |
Q36r2: Ability to electronically renew a patient’s prescriptions. | Download |
Q36r3: Ability to change, cancel, and discontinue a patient’s prescription. | Download |
Q36r4: Ability to communicate with a pharmacist to clarify any questions around a patient’s prescription. | Download |
Q36r5: Ability to securely and electronically communicate with pharmacists to clarify any questions around a patient’s prescription. | Download |
Q36r6: Ability to check on prescription dispense status (i.e., whether or not a pharmacy has dispensed the prescription). | Download |
Q37: Is AI being used in any of the care settings where you provide care? | Download |
Q38: How is AI being used in your care setting? | Download |
Q39: On a scale of 1 – 4 (with 1 being not at all knowledgeable and 4 being very knowledgeable) how knowledgeable are you about what artificial intelligence is? | Download |
Q40: AI has major potential when used in healthcare because it can rapidly process vast amounts of information. On a scale of 1 - 4 (with 1 being very uncomfortable and 4 being very comfortable), how comfortable are you with AI being used as a tool in healthcare? | Download |
Q41 Summary: On a scale of 1- 4 (with 1 being strongly disagree and 4 being strongly agree), do you agree or disagree with the following statements. (Summary - Agree) | Download |
Q41r1: AI will have a significant impact on healthcare in the future. | Download |
Q41r2: AI has promising applications to nursing care. | Download |
Q41r3: AI can be used to improve the quality of patient care. | Download |
Q41r4: AI can be used to improve clinical decision making. | Download |
Q41r5: AI-based technologies can improve care planning. | Download |
Q41r6: AI can be used to reduce medical errors and provide safer care. | Download |
Q41r7: AI can be used to reduce the time spent on administrative tasks by nurses. | Download |
Q41r8: AI can be used to improve nursing workflows. | Download |
Q42 Summary: To what extent do you perceive the following factors as potential concerns/ disadvantages of the use of AI in nursing practice? (Summary - Concerning) | Download |
Q42r1: Data security & privacy concerns. | Download |
Q42r2: Concerns over medical liability. | Download |
Q42r3: Concerns over negative impacts to patient-provider relationship. | Download |
Q42r4: Loss of human interaction in healthcare. | Download |
Q42r5: Job losses in nursing due to AI. | Download |
Q42r6: Mistrust in AI mechanisms, technologies, and solutions by nurses. | Download |
Q42r7: Inequities in healthcare for patient groups (e.g., marginalized and underrepresented patients). | Download |
Q42r8: Lack of relevant digital health literacy among nurses. | Download |
Q42r9: Difficulties with providing meaningful consent to use patients’ data. | Download |
Q42r96: Other | Download |
Q43 Summary: To what extent do you perceive the following as priorities to support the use of AI in nursing practice? (Summary - High priority) | Download |
Q43r1: Policies and guidelines from governments/clinical bodies for the integration of AI technologies in nursing care. | Download |
Q43r2: Appropriate regulatory and accreditation system regarding the use of AI-based technologies/solutions and devices. | Download |
Q43r3: Digital transformation of the Canadian health care system (e.g., standardized, structured data) to allow for the use of AI technologies in practice. | Download |
Q43r4: Appropriate training and education for the nursing workforce around the use of AI in practice. | Download |
Q43r5: Nursing leadership to champion and guide the appropriate use of AI in healthcare. | Download |
Q43r6: Organizational readiness (i.e., practical processes, policies) to effectively incorporate AI into practice. | Download |
Q44: Are you using a training version of any of these electronic record /clinical information systems in the teaching of nursing skills (e.g., in the simulation lab)? | Download |
Q45: Are there plans to acquire a training version of electronic record /clinical information system to support the teaching of basic nursing skills at your institution? | Download |
Q46: At your institution, when do nursing students learn the functionalities of an electronic record/clinical information system? | Download |
Q47: Does your nursing program curriculum include the entry-to-practice informatics competencies for licensed practicing nurses? | Download |
Q48: In your role, do you use electronic records/clinical information systems to support? | Download |
Q49r1: Expedited robust clinical research processes - In your opinion, to what degree has the use of electronic records/clinical information systems in your PRIMARY care setting. | Download |
Q49r2: Led to evidenced informed practice - In your opinion, to what degree has the use of electronic records/clinical information systems in your PRIMARY care setting. | Download |
Q49r3: Informed new policy directions for nursing practice - In your opinion, to what degree has the use of electronic records/clinical information systems in your PRIMARY care setting. | Download |
Q49r4: Afforded more opportunity for research collaboration - In your opinion, to what degree has the use of electronic records/clinical information systems in your PRIMARY care setting. | Download |
Q49r5: Improved communication among clinical providers within your practice - In your opinion, to what degree has the use of electronic records/clinical information systems in your PRIMARY care setting. | Download |
Q49r6: Improved communication among inter-professional teams within your practice - In your opinion, to what degree has the use of electronic records/clinical information systems in your PRIMARY care setting. | Download |
Q49r7: Improved communication to support patient transitions in care - In your opinion, to what degree has the use of electronic records/clinical information systems in your PRIMARY care setting. | Download |
Q49r8: Advanced patient/family and care team partnerships in care - In your opinion, to what degree has the use of electronic records/clinical information systems in your PRIMARY care setting. | Download |
Q49r9: Support communication with patients/families - In your opinion, to what degree has the use of electronic records/clinical information systems in your PRIMARY care setting. | Download |
Q49r10: Advanced patient/family advocacy issues within your practice - In your opinion, to what degree has the use of electronic records/clinical information systems in your PRIMARY care setting. | Download |
Q52: Lastly, how did you hear about the survey? | Download |