Understanding the Shared Pan-Canadian Interoperability Roadmap

Interoperability Maturity Dashboard

What is the Interoperability Maturity Dashboard?
The main page of the dashboard provides a single page view of the progress being made across the Shared Pan-Canadian Interoperability Roadmap. It acts as a dynamic heat map (with the ability to drill-down) to indicate which building blocks, initiatives and goals are progressing or complete. This dashboard will continue to iterate to ensure that it remains relevant and up to date as the interoperability initiatives mature.

How does it work?
Infoway and its partners are continuing to assess the current state against KPIs and building block maturity. As the initiatives are delivered and outcomes are achieved, KPIs and maturity model indicators will be updated to display progress visually. Each domain is designed to capture incremental progress towards the strategic goals of the roadmap and present progress made by each federal/provincial/territorial jurisdiction.

How to use it?

  • The various levels on the logic model shown on the main page of the dashboard represent our bottom-up and top-down approach.
  • Progress bars indicate the progress made across roadmap maturity.
  • Click on each block to view the metrics behind each outcome and the progress being made/involvement in our various initiatives.
  • Filters are active to view jurisdictional-level data.


As the Roadmap initiatives continue to mature and outcomes are achieved, the progress made against the associated KPIs and maturity models will continue to be updated in the dashboard. Each layer in the logic model is designed to capture the incremental progress made towards the four strategic goals of the roadmap at the Pan-Canadian level.

For detailed notes on the methodology behind the individual metrics, please click here

Release Notes

We're continuously making improvements to the Interoperability Maturity Dashboard. For detailed notes on our release cycles, please click here

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